Welcome to the spooky section! - THIS THREAD IS READ ONLY!
Some members have shown an interest in dream analysis and suggested a section for dreams and seeing as some members are interested in the paranormal we decided to make this a section for dreams and all things weird and spooky hence the title...Dreams and things that go bump in the night! So.... ...
Planet Cage
dream't last night I was in a beautiful building which felt like I entered another country
with many many doors, lush carpeting, all lawyers offices, beautiful hardwood floors, cherry wood, details were fabulous, wish I could find my way out of building, there were many offices, many doors, all l...
Rather odd awakenings lats night.
Morning gang. Last night I had something weird happen...Three times. All of a sudden I sat straight up in bed (from a sound sleep). When I did, I stated "Where am I?". That is not the odd part. The odd part is that when I did wake up like this, it was like I was not in my own body, not looking thr...
The Soldier Girl
falling items from shelves
I had to post this today while i remember it, Lately when I have been going shopping, for no apparent reason I could be standing somewhere and the items fall off shelves..lol Well today it happened again, I walked over with my trolley to the shelves with the removable trolleys with the milk in and and gue...
I had a dream about Nicky last night...can't go into too many detailsbut he was young (in his 20's) and he was HOTT!!!!
Nicholas Lyndhurst dream
I had a dream about actor Nicholas Lyndhurst the other night. It wasn't anything naughty we were just talking. Later that day my hubby told me it was Nichlas Lyndhurst's birthday that day! How weird is that!
Shane, Whitechapel and South London!
I don't know what you'd call this....coincidence?...anyway this is how it goes... When we first moved to our new flat last summer we had to go back to our old area to finish up some business. We had to get a bus which took us through an area of South East London called Brockley. Brockley has a famous old fas...
A really weird dream
I had the most peculiar dream last night, which involved a few people. What happened last night was that before I went to bed, myself and bec's was on here posting the blogthing quizes, we also on the other forum we belong to as well , the New kids on the block, and we started going through all the threads ab...
Another Shane Richie dream!
A while ago I started a thread that I was having recurring dreams about snogging Shane Richie. Well last night I had another dream that I was snogging Shane! It was really weird...at the beginning of the dream Shane took me to a fun fair and we went into a haunted house ride and once inside the dark haunted...
About Capricorns, being in love
I had this come into my inbox yesterday, I subscribed quite a while ago for my stars, but this one just happen to come through which was really weird as I'm not a capricorn, but a scorpio... But it gave me some interesting reading, about capricorns, Nic of course being one, and I have in my time dated and li...
It's written in the stars
Not so long back I found a website to do with starsigns, her name is Carol Allen, I tried finding her site where you get the free info in an email regarding your starsign but for the life of me can't find it. Here is one she sent me, if I can somehow find the site I will try to post all the starsigns But this woman...
This is too weird to be coincidence!
Last night Kim and I were having a chat on the phone and we were talking about her two beautiful pussy cats that have gone missing. While we were chatting someone buzzed our front door. I answered our entryphone and it was a guy who said he was from the RSPCA and he was asking to be let into our building. I wen...
My clairvoyance evening
I took a trip to my local clairvoyance evening last night, I have'nt been there in a while, which is unusual for me, but I suppose with everything going on I just didn't have the time. I was hoping that I may have had a message from my cousin who recently passed over on monday, but no such luck, perhaps it's t...
A really weird dream
I had the most peculiar dream last night, I bet it was because I ate chinese quite late and gave me the most funny dream I dreamnt that Nic had somehow got involved in something dodgy and was sent down for a while, so I said to Lesley about writing to him in prison, well i sent the letter and worded it at the bot...
Ok, here is an interesting one!
For the last few days, I have been having horrible nightmares, and then last night/early this am, I had a dream where I was someplace and I could hardly see beyond my hands when I held them out. And I kept trying to get out of the place I was and would think I was out of the dream and realize I was still in it at t...
The Soldier Girl
A funny dream
I thought I would come on early and post it while still fresh in my mind, I had the most funniest dream ever... I think combined with becky and her NKOTB tour concert tickets and Nic in Elstree Studios, what a combination I had It started off by attending the 02 Arena with Becky and my mum, we had tickets thi...
Very Very Detailed Dream! ( also remembered )
Okay I know you're going to get sick of me metioning NKOTB, but I had a very detailed dream last night, I also remember every detail aswell, VERY STRANGE. I dreamt that I attended a NKOTB concert, I also remember the conversation me, Mum and Nikki had in the car before hand, also which seat, row and platfo...
Witch queen of New Orleans
Kim and I were talking about New Orleans last night and Kim mentioned voodoo which made me remember the story of the Witch queen of New Orleans! There was even this song about her in the 1974 by a group called Redbone! http://ame2.asu.edu/...
Had a really weird dream last night
Wonder if any of you can work this one out... My dream last night featured a huge hairy spider, a venomless snake and Nicky! The dream began with me talking to Nicky and I had with me a pile of papers which all had various messages from Nicky written on them...things such as: ''it was lovely meeting you Les...
A very short dream
I had the most peculiar short dream of Nic last night, I dreamnt that I was in an apartment block in a lift, and the doors opened and Nic walked in, he pressed the button for the 6th floor, we didn't speak or look at each other, it was really weird, I remember thinking to myself, shall I speak to him or not and b...
Interesting dream last night.
I do not remember much of the dream but here is what I do. Their was one man who was short and had orange/red hair and he was not a good person. And then their was a taller girl (taller than me), who was good. At some point she turned into a HUGE snake and we were trying to get away from the bad person. I reali...
The Soldier Girl
I ate Cheddar cheese before I went to bed last night and dreamt of Nic!
Coincidence with all this talk about dreams and cheese or is there more to it?! It was a short dream... I was outside a building with some Nic fans...we were all female (Vixens????)... and after waiting a while Nicky came along. It was raining and everyone except me was wearing hooded rain proof coats...
Chinese Fortune Cookies
I know we all seem to read our horoscopes, and some do believe in them, of which i personally do, as a couple of times they have come true for me But does anyone ever believe in the Chinese fortune cookies?, people class them as mumbo jumbo, not real, but you have got to admit there is something magical rega...
Cheese won't give you nightmares but it might make you high!
A study from the British Cheese Board revealed that cheese does affect your dreams, and different types have different effects! Apparently it contains a substance which is like a feel good chemical in the brain, sounds like certain cheeses can give you trippy dreams! And in the study.. "...
A Nic nightmare...
I had a scary dream last night.
It started off with me buying ingredients from an Indian Supermarket for a meal I was going to make that night. My Indian friends taught me how to make a proper indian dish, so I needed the right ingredients.
The meal was for my parents and I was preparing it in the kitchen t...
A Nicky Quickie
No..not what you think! Lol!
You know those moment just before you wake up, when you are rising up into consciousness? I had a sort of Nic dream this morning which probably only lasted about 30 seconds!
I was in a group of about 20 people, I think all women, who were gathered in the middle of a large hall....
how about some Nicky 'dream incubation' for the Vixens!!!
I found this amazing article all about dreams, it totally floats my boat!
I've been off on a cloud since reading this, there is so much stuff here that fascinates me!
I'm really into the way ancient healers perceived and used dreams.
I wonder what would happen if all the vixens went to a sanctuary fo...
dreaming in black and white
After someone told me they only dream in black and white, and talking about it here, I looked it up and found this article. Seems it's not as simple as dreaming in colour or black and white! I love all this stuff, sleep and dreaming is such a huge part of our lives yet how little attention we pay to it! [url=h...
Going to the spiritulist church tonight
With all the strange happenings and weird dreams I seem to be having, I thought I would pop off to the clairvoyance evening tonight, see if I have anyone come through to give me some news Lula is right about the Luna eclipse playing havoc over the last couple of weeks, I honestly seem stressed, moody, tea...
Nic dream!
I had a dream about Nicky last night! It was weird because me n Nicky were standing facing each other but no one said anything! I was wearing a low cut blouse in a lovely shade of green and although I was looking at Nicky he was staring at my boobs! Lol.