For the last few days, I have been having horrible nightmares, and then last night/early this am, I had a dream where I was someplace and I could hardly see beyond my hands when I held them out. And I kept trying to get out of the place I was and would think I was out of the dream and realize I was still in it at the same place, still unable to see. And then I think in my dream "Maybe I am supposed to be seeing in a different way", and then I hear a voice saying "Open your eyes Darcy, open your your third eye and see". And then it was like I was spiriling thru a tunnel or something and I woke up. It was like I was trying to confront something and someone in my past and either put it behind me or see what it really was or the like. Things that make one go "Hmm". But this morning, even though I really have had very little sleep in the last three nights due to the dreams, I awoke very calm and almost refreshed. Makes me wonder what I need to confront or if someone or something is trying to make me see beyond........
"My heart beat thrice, twice, once...and then no more the moment a passing comet bespoke of your fall from grace".