I love the scene where he gives her one on the washing machine...he's wearing leather trousers!
Yea that is a good one although the whole movie was. I too watch movies at night, so I tend to fall asleep during them as well...but this movie really kept me awake
That's one of the few Nic films that I don't own...I'm not surprised that you woke up at that point There's definatly a lot of noise making in those scenes
lol! That's enough to wake anyone up! Ha ha! Sounds like you woke up at the right moment scorpio! I think it's coming up for the dark moon.. The time for intense dreams and the subconscious coming to the surface.. !
the shadow is the greatest teacher for showing us how to come to the light ram dass
I didn't have a Nic dream, but it was quite funny what happened though last night
Lesley kindly recorded Zandalee for me last week, so i thought i would watch it last night when i came in about midnight. I was sort of feeling tired, but i thought i would just put the movie on, well, i fell asleep, and normally i can sleep through god knows how many movies, and normally they would play through about 2 times as well, but i suddenly woke up when the sex scene was on, the one with nic and the woman on the floor...LMAO, now i thought that was really weird must be my conscience telling me something