This is how the style and size of the forum is set so all I can suggest is that you adjust the browser settings on your computer so you can try to see the forum in bigger text or do as I, and many other's, do and wear glasses when you're using your computer.
okay, thanks for letting me know, i will try adjust browser settings, see if that works,...i`m sorry to trouble u
This is how the style and size of the forum is set so all I can suggest is that you adjust the browser settings on your computer so you can try to see the forum in bigger text or do as I, and many other's, do and wear glasses when you're using your computer.
I know i`m new here 7 the forum looks amazing BUT i got one problem, sorry I find the writing to small, i have to get close to the screen to read, is there any way to make all the writing bit bigger please?....Sorry for moaning