Funny enough a few people said that, even Dave said it wasn't good at all, he prefers the old minder, I don't think you can ever replace that one, they were classics, it's like if someone tried to do a remake of Only fools and horses, there is no way ever could they replace old Del and Rodney, I honestly don't know why they try on the classics,
I would love to see those 2 back in eastenders, I didn't know he was in the new minder, I haven't seen that one, to be honest I never use to watch the original, but some have said the original is far better than this one, old Arthur Daley and Dennis Waterman were great in the first one.
You never know hun, you may have a deep lurking passion there for old Shane
I hope he comes back to Eastenders as I love Alfie Moon and Kat!
Maybe I dreamt about him again because he's back on telly in the new Minder or it could just be that I fancy Shane and I'm in denial! LMAO!!! I know Shane isn't in the same league as Nicky but maybe I'm attracted to his c*ckney charm!
LMAO, got to be an omen hun, you never know, that's weird isn't it?, you have a few of them involving shane, perhaps he is coming back to Eastenders and it's a premonition
A while ago I started a thread that I was having recurring dreams about snogging Shane Richie.
Well last night I had another dream that I was snogging Shane! It was really the beginning of the dream Shane took me to a fun fair and we went into a haunted house ride and once inside the dark haunted house we were all over each other groping and snogging. Then the dream skipped to me n Shane in the back of a black London taxi snogging in the back passenger seat as the taxi took us across London Bridge! Figure that one out! LMAO!!!