What a great dream! That is so cool. I really don't know what dreams mean but at least you were able to make him relaxed enough to have a good time. I don't see much of that in him these days. He's such a workaholic. I love the whole pottery wheel thing. I've done pottery in my day and it's fun. I wonder if he likes working with his hands like that?
Ok.....I had another one of my weird Nic dreams. No clue what it could represent ....
I walked up to a modest sized house in the woods and knocked on the door. Nic opened the door and said "I was waiting for you". I was surprised to see him there (I guess I was at the wrong house or expected someone else to opened the door). I was stammering....um....um.....just standing there and he said "Come in Bonnie.....I won't bite". So I stepped inside. It was decorated plushly but not to formal. He led me into some hobby workroom and said "let's get started".
I was still flabberghasted at finding him there and I was frozen in place. So he took me by the elbow and led me to a pottery table. Next thing I knew he was showing me how to work with clay and we got down and dirty and started having fun.
I don't remember the conversation but we kept laughing like kids in a toy shop as we worked together. (go figure)
Then.....we realized how late it was and I had to leave. He didn't want me walking off into the dark so he called a taxi. The taxi pulls up and Nic walks me to the door of the taxi and hands me a shopping bag full of presents. He closes the door of the taxi, leans in the window and kisses me on the cheek and says to me "Thanks for making me laugh. You don't know how bad I needed you today".
The end!
~~I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past~~