well it's still gota coppola showtimes listed at one of my nearest but not any of the larger theaters i'd guess betwwen spidey shrek and pirates this will be the last week or 2 but the bright side is the sooner out of theaters the sooner to dvd >
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.~Dr. Seuss
Well I noticed it was still in one theater that's sort of near me...like 30-45min away...but yes, I think Spider-Man 3 pretty much kicked it out of theaters =(
I went this evening to go to try to see Next at the same theater i saw it at on opening night and it wasn't even playing at it anymore and it has only been 2 weeks and three days since it opened. I was not very happy that i couldn't see it. I didn't feel like driving to another theater so i just came home. Hopefully it will come out on DVD soon.
One week, Nicolas Cage's movie is driving people away from the multiplexes. The next week, "Spider-Man 3" is bringing them back.
Hollywood is a funny place. Well, it's funny as long as you didn't invest in the Nicolas Cage movie.
The opening of "Spider-Man 3" not only kicked off the summer movie season, but it also ignited a collective round of celebration among people who have nothing to do with the movie business.