That "Lovely" Pup has been naughty these past few days. Stealing the remotes of the living room table and chewing on them, pooping inside...gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
"My heart beat thrice, twice, once...and then no more the moment a passing comet bespoke of your fall from grace".
Don't quote me, but word on the street is that Doc's stuffed puppy that he used to take everywhere with him, especially at night for sleeping...well they had a falling out and now the stuffed puppy is calling Doc out for a dual. So stay tuned, you never know what we might catch on video!
I know its no voodoo priestess, but still keep your eyes and ears peeled folks!
"My heart beat thrice, twice, once...and then no more the moment a passing comet bespoke of your fall from grace".
Hmm..well fine, maybe I will! LOL. Yeah, that first one was a bit grainy/dark...bad, lol. But hey, a dog singing is cute no matter how bad the video! "Sing to mommy, come on sing...woof woof"
"My heart beat thrice, twice, once...and then no more the moment a passing comet bespoke of your fall from grace".
Ello all! I took this video on my cell phone. Its my Bassett Hound, Doc. Being from the Hound family, he has that unique baying sound instead of a bark. Doc loves to "Talk & Sing" to anyone and everyone who will listen, lol. So sit back and enjoy listening to America's next Idol!¤t=dochowl.flv
Please let me know if the link does not work as this is my first time posting a video from my cell phone.
"My heart beat thrice, twice, once...and then no more the moment a passing comet bespoke of your fall from grace".