That's the worse part of going to a concert...the gettting back on public transport.
I remember when me and my friend, Gloria, went to see Guns n Roses at Wembley Stadium, it took us over an hour to get from the stadium to Wembley Park tube station!
The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the journey back home, hate to think how many will be cramming onto tubes and buses, thousands I bet, as no one in their right mind will go by car, not at the price it is to pay for parking, I'm sure I read that it's about £25 to park your car, maybe I got it wrong, but I did see it somewhere
Thanks Chelsea hope so, price you pay for tickets should be worth it may never get to see another chance of them touring over here, as this is the first time they have been back together for 14 or 15 yrs, long time
, yep and your free tv licence, well that's 75, but they way these years are going, that will be very soon, do you know now you can use your free bus pass anywhere outside London?, never use to be able to, but my mum used hers when we was up in Norfolk, which is a good idea roll on for my freebie pass, gets damn expensive these buses, what with them gone up in price again well one thing for sure, price of petrol has gone down, but now fares have gone up, give it to you in one hand, then take it away in the other
That's true, once you hit 21 it seems it, blimey once you hit 40, it's like it's on a speed control they zoom by, hate to think what it will be like once we hit pension age
I think it's all to do with this global warming as well we never seem to get a good summer, or we either have a mild winter or a cold one like the one we've just had, sometimes it's so damp and grey, it looks like evening out during the day, whatever has this world come to? I remember when a year seemed a long year, but not anymore it doesn't,
Thanks hun, got no fear of that, blimey I bet we will be cramped in like sardines it's come around really quick, it didn't seem like when i had to book it in Oct how quick it's gone, just goes to show how these years are flying by, I'm sure the months and the years are getting shorter, making us age quicker then
Becky is getting really excited, not long now till saturday for the New kids on the block concert, got to admit, I'm looking forward to it, well I like Donnie Wahlberg, so I will be taking my camera see if I can get any snaps of him
Then she is going the next day to see them again, afraid not for me, once is enough to be honest, but it's a smaller venue for her to see them in on Sunday night, The Hammersmith Apollo, and that's standing for her not seating, but the 02 is going to be thousands, and that I'm not looking forward to, can you imagine what the tubes and buses will be like that night