Thanx Kim! If I see any Nic pics that would look great in b&w I'll send 'em to you!
Yes...I'm really pleased with it and it does look professional...much better than colour! It's on my main MySpace profile page at the top so you can't miss it!
Wow brilliant Lesley, it really looks great, it looks quite professional doesn't it?, I love the black and white, and with the wording it looks great, I'm well suprised how nice the pic turned out, as I only just mess with the contrast here and there and add a few bits to them, I'm glad you liked it for your My Space, I will take a peek and see what it looks like, we will have to see if we can do some more, If you have any pics that you want jazzing up a bit! send them to me, and I'll see what I can do with them
I made this Nicky's Vixens ad for my MySpace page and I think it looks great thanks to Kim's black and white magic lol so I thought I'd show it to you all here!