I saw it, because I taped it so I could watch the Grammys. It was a great episode, and it kept me on my toes. The Dresden Files is definatly getting better as the show progresses
Hey! By any chance did anyone here catch the third installment of THE DRESDEN FILES last night? I didn't.....but only because I was watching the Grammy's and hoping to catch a glimpse of Nic (which I didn't... sad to say).
Anyhooo.......last night my daughter had a bunch of friends sleeping over so they all watched the Grammy's with me, took over the kitchen and the bathrooms (toenail painting party, I guess). My hub, wise man that he is, hit the basement for the night to get away from us.
At one point, after 10pm, I found myself in my kitchen trying to clean up the mess and the hub came in and said to me "Hey....you know that new program, The Dresden Files?........well, it's pretty good". I said "What was it about tonight?" and he replied "Werewolves". I asked, "You liked it then?" And he said "Yeah, it's pretty good".
I then told him it was produced by Nic. He was surprised to say the least!
Now....me thinks...... that if THE DRESDEN FILES has found a fan in someone like my husband, it's most definitely going to be reaching alot of people and it will become a certifiable HIT!
Great work, Nic!
Take heed of these words, my friends.... "You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give" Kahlil Gibran